Order Import Automation Rules
Note: Order import automation is currently only available on EasyRoutes for Shopify Premium and Enterprise pricing plans.
You can automate common functionality when importing orders into routes by setting up rules from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, under the Advanced order automation rules section:
Our initial set of supported rules allow you to automatically mark a stop's priority level, or set stop duration based on specific tags or attributes. See the Priority Stops article for more information on stop priority and Stop Times for how stop duration is set and used in routing.
More rule fields and outcomes will be added as we continue to develop this feature. Please get in touch with our team if there are any fields or outcomes that would be useful for automating your specific workflows.
When are automation rules applied?
Automation rules are applied when orders are added to a route, either from the Orders page or on the Add Orders tab of an existing route or route group. See the Adding Orders support article for details.
Supported fields
- order tag - if any tag on an order matches the condition, the rule will be applied.
- customer tag - if any tag on the customer at the time the order was created matches the condition, the rule will be applied.
- order attribute name - if any attribute on the order has a name matching the condition, the rule will be applied.
- delivery method - if the delivery method matches the condition, the rule will be applied.
Supported outcomes
- treat stop as high priority - the resulting route stop for the order will be marked as High Priority.
- treat stop as low priority - the resulting route stop for the order will be marked as Low Priority.
- parse and set stop duration (minutes) - for matching attributes, the value is parsed and applied as the duration of the stop in minutes.
- set stop time (minutes) - set stop duration to a specific value in minutes, based on the presence of an order or customer tag.
- set time window - sets the time window on the resulting route stop.