Stop Types (Delivery, Pickup, Task)

EasyRoutes supports three different types of stop for any generated routes: Deliveries, Pickups, and Tasks. For example, if your store offers local pickup from a centralized location, orders can be marked as Pickups to better organize these orders, and offer a different customer experience than those marked as Deliveries. Businesses that offer service calls or on-site maintenance can similarly mark stops as Tasks, providing a more customized service to eligible customers.

Identifying stop types

Within EasyRoutes, stops marked as a Pickup or Task will display with a unique icon towards the left-hand side of their listing within the route table. Hover over this icon to display which type of stop they're currently marked as:

In the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app, Pickup and Task stop types are indicated with a badge in any route's list of stops:

Stop types are also listed on individual stops in the mobile app, just below a stop's address:

Editing stop types

By default, stops added to any routes will be marked as a Delivery. To change a stop's type, when viewing a route:

  1. Click on the Actions (three dots icon) button on the far right-hand side of the stop you'd like to modify and select the Edit stop option:

  1. From the Stop type dropdown, select the desired type for this stop:

  1. Click Update in the top right-hand corner to go back to your route.
  2. Repeat this process for any other stops requiring a different stop type, before clicking the Save button to apply stop type changes to your route.

Stop types can also be edited as a bulk action. When viewing a route:

  1. Use the checkboxes to select any stops you want to update the stop type for.
  2. From the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen, click into the Actions menu (three dots icon) and select Edit stop type:

  1. From the dropdown menu that appears, select which stop type (Delivery, Pickup, or Task) to apply to the selected stops, and click the Save button:

  1. Click Save again at the top of the page to commit these changes to the route.

Stop type notifications

Full details on enabling and customizing stop notifications can be found in our Delivery Notifications - Email and SMS support article.

Notifications for each type of stop - and for all stop status events - can be enabled and customized independently of one another. For example, you may wish to send a "Driver is 1 stop away" notification only for Deliveries, but not for Pickups or Tasks.

Enable and customize stop type notifications from your EasyRoutes Settings > Notifications tab:

  • Navigate between the Shopify orders and Custom/imported stops tabs to enable and configure notification settings for each of these two types of orders.
  • Use the checkboxes to enable/disable different notification types according to your route planning workflows.
  • Click the title of any notification type to preview and modify the template that will be used for each status event's notification.
  • If enabled for your store, SMS notification settings can be configured in the same manner, and can be found by scrolling down to the SMS notifications section found just below the Email notifications section shown above.

Stop type customer tracking pages

Full details on enabling and customizing customer tracking pages can be found in our Customizable Order Tracking Pages and Links support article.

Customer tracking pages for each stop type can be configured independently, displaying different information for customers depending which type of stop is applied.

Customize the following settings from your EasyRoutes Settings > Order tracking tab:

  • From the Tracking page options section, navigate between the Deliveries, Pickups, and Tasks tabs to configure display settings for each type of stop:

  • From the Tracking page text section, navigate between the Deliveries, Pickups, and Tasks tabs to configure static text and labels for each type of stop:

  • Once configured, from the Preview tracking page panel at the top of the page, select a stop type and delivery status from either dropdown, and click the Preview button to see what a sample tracking page will look like for that stop type and status event:

Automating stop types

Full details on using order automation rules to streamline your route planning workflows can be found in our Order Import Automation Rules support article.

Pickup and Task stop types can be applied automatically using order automation rules when an order contains a particular order tag, customer tag, delivery method, or order attribute. Configure these rules from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Advanced automation section:

Note that this automated stop type change will not be immediately reflected in your Orders page, as the automation will only apply once an order has been added to a route.

Stop type fulfillments

Full details on enabling and customizing notifications can be found in our Working with Items and Fulfillments on Shopify Orders support article.

Order fulfillments for each stop type can be configured independently to suit your route planning and fulfillment workflows. Configure this behaviour using the three tabs highlighted below, found in your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Fulfillment options section:

Stop types in route exports

Full details on enabling and customizing notifications can be found in our How do I export routes/stops? support article.

Stop types can easily be included in route exports - ensure that the Stop type variable is selected (along with any other desired variables) when exporting your route:

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