Priority Stops

Note: Priority stops are currently only available on EasyRoutes Premium and Enterprise pricing plans.

When used in combination with certain Route Options that place limits on a route - such as max route durationmax items per stop or max stops per route - Priority stops will be given first consideration for inclusion in a route, better ensuring they're not excluded when route capacities are reached. Marking stops as priority can also be automated by configuring order import automation rules.

You can mark or unmark a stop as Priority from the Add Stop or Edit Stop menus, under the Additional options panel:

Additional options order panel

Or, from the Stop actions menu from the route table or map view:

Mark as priority from stop actions menu

You can also change Priority status for a number of stops at once using the checkboxes on any Route page:

Mark as priority from route table

Stops marked as Priority will display in a manner that's clear to identify them on your Route table, stop list, and map with an outlined stop icon, as well as a unique badge when hovering over them on the route line or map:

Priority stop badge in route table

Priority stop badge in route line

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