How do I contact the support team?

If you need assistance with Roundtrip software, our Help Center is powered by an AI assistant, which is available 24/7 to help you find the answer you need or to connect you with our team.

When we receive a support request from you, we'll get back to you as soon as possible. For context, our normal business hours are Mondays to Fridays between 9:00am and 5:00pm Eastern Time (ET).

We constantly monitor our services for maximum uptime and reliability. For the latest updates to any current or past critical issues, please visit our status page.

Send us a message through in-app support

You can reach our support team by sending us a message through our in-app support. Just click the help bubble icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen when you have EasyRoutes open. While our AI assistant is available 24/7 to help answer questions, our team is available directly via email and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Send us an Email

You can always send our support team members a quick email for support at directly, by clicking on "Get Help" while you are on our support Help Center, or through the support form provided from the Settings > Help page within our app.

Tips on getting your support request resolved quickly

Our team reviews every request to ensure that we have the right information for diagnosing your issue. If you are able to provide the following in advance, we can work quickly on resolving your issue without the need to ask for more information:

  • Provide a clear description of the issue that you're experiencing.
  • Share screenshots or additional information that can help describe your issue before we get back to you. You can always reply to your support email thread with these additional details. This will let us help you more quickly. Examples:
    • the route #, order # and stop # where you are experiencing these issues
    • Share if there are things that you've done or tried already for resolving this issue, or to confirm that you're experiencing an issue consistently
    • if you are contacting us outside of the in-app support beacon, be sure to provide the store URL that you are experiencing the issue at.

If you are using our AI assistant, it’s also important to keep the following guidelines in mind to create good prompts:

  • Use correct spelling and grammar.
  • Avoid asking vague questions. Be clear, specific, and detailed about your request.
  • Provide more specific context to narrow the focus of the response.
  • Break down complex requests into multiple shorter prompts.
  • Provide feedback to improve your results.

For example, instead of asking, “I need help with notifications”, specify, “How I can check if a notification was sent on a route?”

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