Rejected Stops

Sometimes EasyRoutes cannot use an order that you are trying to route. This could be for a number of reasons, such as the order having a bad address, or being inaccessible, or just not fitting into the route options you've set.

If EasyRoutes rejects any stops when creating a route, a warning banner will be shown at the top of the route and a Rejected stops tab will be shown:

Click on the tab to view the rejected stops. Reasons for their rejection will be displayed in the table below the map. Click on the Actions menu and edit the stop to make any corrections, or adjust enabled route options to accommodate these stops.

Manually Rejecting Stops:

Individual stops on a route can be manually rejected, effectively removing them from their current route and sending them to that route's Rejected stops tab for further, centralized review.

  • Use the checkboxes to select stop(s) for rejection, and select Reject stops from the More actions button that appears at the bottom of the page:

  • Stops can also be manually rejected individually from the Actions column (far right-hand side) for any stop within the route table:

  • More of a visual planner? Click any stop's pin directly on the map, then click the Actions button - select Reject stop from the menu that pops up:

Rejected Stops on Route Groups:

When working with Route Groups, stops that have been rejected from any route belonging to a group are listed together; their stop pins will display in a grey colour on the map (alongside the group's multi-coloured route lines) for quick visual inspection.

Note: You must be accessing the All routes view for a group, as opposed to any of the individual views for the routes contained in that group:

Click any grey pin on the map and access the Actions button to select Edit stop and make any necessary changes. Alternatively, use the Actions button (three dots icon) on the far right-hand side of any stop in the route table to select Edit stop and make required changes.

Once you're satisfied with any changes, use the checkboxes to select which stops you'd like to add back to a route, and click the Add to route button that appears at the bottom of the page:

You'll be presented with a dropdown menu to select which route within the current group you'd like the stop(s) to be added back into. Select your preferred route, click Add, and be sure to use the Save button at the top of the page to confirm your changes:

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