Error Codes & Common Resolutions

If you're receiving an error message when trying to access EasyRoutes, find details on specific error messages and suggested steps to resolution below. If you're still experiencing issues after attempting the resolutions described below, please reach out to our support team so we can investigate further.

Error Code 2:

This error often suggests that there may be a permissions issue, a connectivity issue, or a temporary Shopify API outage. Try the following steps:

  1. Load EasyRoutes on a different web browser on your device.
  2. Try accessing EasyRoutes from a different device.
  3. Attempt to connect to EasyRoutes using a different internet connection.

Error Code 2 could also indicate an issue with WebGL access on your web browser, which is required to display EasyRoutes' maps. More details and troubleshooting steps in this support article.

Error Code 3:

This error may also be displayed as "An internal error has occurred, please try again" when trying to sign up or sign in to the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app from an Android device. It usually indicates that the device attempting to login is not Play Protect certified, which is required to access our mobile app. More details and troubleshooting steps in this support article.

Error Code 4:

This error code can display when trying to upload proof of delivery from the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app under limited/no connectivity situations. Try moving to an area that has a more stable signal and try uploading proof of delivery items again. If issues persist, review our tips for working with EasyRoutes in limited connectivity situations in this support article.

Error Code 9:

This error code can occasionally affect drivers' ability to mark stops as completed, or re-optimize a route in progress from the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app. It can be caused by an upcoming stop in a route no longer fitting within its originally optimized time window. Review upcoming stops in your route, and adjust time windows to a future time before attempting to re-optimize the route again.

Error Code 13:

This error code can occasionally affect drivers' ability to mark stops as completed from the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app. This error is caused by a temporary database error, and is usually resolved very quickly. Wait a couple of minutes, then try refreshing your browser and attempting to access EasyRoutes again.

Error Code 14:

This error may also display as "Error! Something's not right. We've encountered an error! Please reload EasyRoutes and try again. If the error persists, please contact support." It usually indicates that the Shopify API was temporarily unavailable when fetching your orders. Try refreshing your browser and attempting to access EasyRoutes again. If the issue continues, clearing your browser's cache or trying to access EasyRoutes in a different browser may also help.

Error Code 16:

This error may also display with an "Error loading routes" message. It may indicate that you're trying to access EasyRoutes in a browser tab/window that's been open for a long time. Try closing any tabs/windows that have EasyRoutes open, and try logging in again for a fresh session.

Error Code 39:

This specific error message from our mobile authentication provider indicates an issue with authenticating the phone number used to sign in to the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver Mobile app, or that our authentication provider may be temporarily unavailable for some global carriers. Most often, it's caused by too many failed sign-in attempts from the device for this driver in a short period of time. Generally when this happens, wait for a longer period of time and then try to sign in again. If the issue persists after waiting a longer period, please share a screenshot and let us know so we pass this along to our SMS authentication provider to investigate further.

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