How do I filter orders by delivery zone/delivery area?

EasyRoutes allows you to filter your orders using a number of different order criteria, or by selecting orders automatically using our visual map planning tools. You can even save these zones as saved views to quickly access in the future as tabs in your Orders page. You can use these delivery zones as a geofence for creating routes for drivers where you filter orders for that geographic area.

Click either link below for further details specific to the EasyRoutes product you're using:

EasyRoutes for Shopify

Filter by Zip or Postal Codes

To filter your orders by postal codes or ZIP codes, go to the Orders page and click on the Add filter button, and select Postal code:

A text box will open for you to type in the postal codes that make up your delivery zone. To include a group of codes, add an asterisk (e.g. *) after the initial characters to indicate a range to filter by. For example, M4M* looks for postal codes starting with M4M.

You can click the applied Postal code filter to add as many postal codes as you need to create your zone:

As you add postal codes you will notice your list of orders will change to only show those orders. You may want to add additional filters (e.g. Unfulfilled orders) as well.

If you'd like, you can then scroll up just above the map and click the Create view button (plus icon), and input a name for your saved set of postal codes:

Your saved filters will be added as a tab. In the future you can click that tab, and instantly see only the orders that belong in that set of postal codes:

Then you can select the orders that you want to include in a route. Learn more about creating routes in our getting started guide.

Filter by City or by State/Province

To filter your orders by cities or by state/province (or the equivalent in your country), go to the Orders page and click on the "More filters" button. A sheet will slide out with additional filters. Go to the City or the State/Province filter to select specific entries that you want to create filters for. You can also enter in a value for a city if this does not exist in the selectable list.

Filter by Visible Area

You can also filter using our visual planning tools within the map and save shapes for later use. You can find more information on creating and managing visual delivery zones here. You can use this feature to create geofences or to geofence an area to be used for filtering orders for planning routes for drivers in a specific region.

First, select the Delivery Zone icon in the map view on the Orders page - you can select Create delivery zone to begin drawing a new zone, or select a shape and click Save as delivery zone if one is already drawn:

This will enable polygon drawing mode on the map. You can now draw shapes by clicking on the map to add points; press the Delete key to remove any active shape on the map: 

Once you are finished, you can select the first point drawn to complete the drawing. This will launch a Save modal where you can name your newly drawn delivery zone:

A zone is now displayed on the map. You can toggle the zone's display on/off using the checkbox, or delete the zone on the map entirely using the trash can, both found within the Delivery Zone menu on the map:

If a zone is selected/active, you can select all the orders in a delivery zone using the Select orders in delivery zone action, found within the Actions menu (three dots icon):

Once orders are selected (indicated with an alternate colour for their map pins), you can opt to keep or remove selected orders based on what you plan to route (i.e. keep them to make a route including these orders; clear them to make a route excluding these orders):

See Map Selection Tools for a description of each available action.

You can save a Delivery Zone to a saved tab using the "Create view" button above your list of orders, and adding a name for your saved zone:

Your delivery zone will be added as a tab. In the future you can click that tab, and instantly see only the orders that belong in that zone:

EasyRoutes for Web

Filter by City or by State/Province

To filter your orders by cities or by state/province (or the equivalent in your country), go to the Orders page and click on the "More filters" button. A sheet will slide out with additional filters. Go to the City or the State/Province filter to select specific entries that you want to create filters for. You can also enter in a value for a city if this does not exist in the selectable list.

Filter by Visible Area

You can also filter using our visual planning tools within the map and save shapes for later use. You can find more information on creating and managing visual delivery zones here. You can use this feature to create geofences or to geofence an area to be used for filtering orders for planning routes for drivers in a specific region.

First, select the Delivery Zone icon in the map view on the Orders page - you can select Create delivery zone to begin drawing a new zone, or select a shape and click Save as delivery zone if one is already drawn:

This will enable polygon drawing mode on the map. You can now draw shapes by clicking on the map to add points; press the Delete key to remove any active shape on the map: 

Once you are finished, you can select the first point drawn to complete the drawing. This will launch a Save modal where you can name your newly drawn delivery zone:

A zone is now displayed on the map. You can toggle the zone's display on/off using the checkbox, or delete the zone on the map entirely using the trash can, both found within the Delivery Zone menu on the map:

If a zone is selected/active, you can select all the orders in a delivery zone using the Select orders in delivery zone action, found within the Actions menu (three dots icon):

Once orders are selected (indicated with an alternate colour for their map pins), you can opt to keep or remove selected orders based on what you plan to route (i.e. keep them to make a route including these orders; clear them to make a route excluding these orders):

See Map Selection Tools for a description of each available action.

You can save a Delivery Zone to a saved tab using the "Create view" button above your list of orders, and adding a name for your saved zone:

Your delivery zone will be added as a tab. In the future you can click that tab, and instantly see only the orders that belong in that zone:

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