📖 Address Book

The address book feature is currently available for paid plans only.

The address book lets you manage your frequently used custom stops in EasyRoutes. Create address book entries with customer names, addresses, and manual items and you'll be able to easily add them to your new and existing routes. The address book also enables bulk importing of custom stops from a CSV file.

The address book is accessible for planning new routes from the main Orders Page:

You can also access the Address Book from the Add orders tab on Route and Route Group pages to add custom stops to existing routes:

Creating Manual Address Book Entries:

Within the address book dialog, you can manually add entries using the "New address" button:

  • Use the checkboxes on the left-hand side of any entry to select stops. Click "Add" once you've selected all required entries and they will be added as pins to the map.
  • Frequently used entries can be pinned to the top of the address book by clicking the star icon to the left of any entry's name.
  • To edit the details of any entry, click the Actions (three dots icon) button on the right-hand side of the entry, and select Edit address. Click "Update" once you're finished making changes.
  • Stop notes can be saved for any Address Book entry - these will be represented by a note icon on any stops that contain them; hover over this icon to preview the saved stop note.

Imported addresses from CSV files:

The address book also allows for bulk importing of custom stops from CSV files. Clicking on the "Import history" tab will show a list of all previous CSV imports and enable the "Import new CSV" button. Additional details on CSV import workflows and file format requirements can be found here.

Click the eye icon to the right of any previous CSV import to view a list of stops that are associated with that imported CSV:

From the "Import history" tab, any previously imported CSVs can be deleted or renamed by clicking the "Actions" (three dots) menu:

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