📖 Address Book

The address book lets you manage your frequently used custom stops in EasyRoutes. Create address book entries with customer names, addresses, and manual items and you'll be able to easily add them to your new and existing routes. The address book also enables bulk importing of custom stops from a CSV file.

Click either link below for further details specific to the EasyRoutes product you're using:

EasyRoutes for Shopify

The address book is accessible for planning new routes from the main Orders Page:

You can also access the Address Book from the Add orders tab on Route and Route Group pages to add custom stops to existing routes:

Creating Manual Address Book Entries:

Within the address book dialog, you can manually add entries using the "New address" button:

  • Use the checkboxes on the left-hand side of any entry to select stops. Click "Add" once you've selected all required entries and they will be added as pins to the map.
  • Frequently used entries can be pinned to the top of the address book by clicking the star icon to the left of any entry's name.
  • To edit the details of any entry, click the Actions (three dots icon) button on the right-hand side of the entry, and select Edit address. Click "Update" once you're finished making changes.
  • A Time Window, Stop time, and priority status can be saved for a stop within the Additional options panel from the Edit saved stop menu.
  • Stop notes can also be saved for any Address Book entry - these will be represented by a note icon on any stops that contain them; hover over this icon to preview the saved stop note.
  • Driver Tasks can be saved to any Address Book entry from the Driver Tasks card at the bottom of the Edit saved stop menu.

Imported addresses from CSV files:

The address book also allows for bulk importing of custom stops from CSV files. Clicking on the "Import history" tab will show a list of all previous CSV imports and enable the "Import new CSV" button. Additional details on CSV import workflows and file format requirements can be found here.

Click the eye icon to the right of any previous CSV import to view a list of stops that are associated with that imported CSV:

From the "Import history" tab, any previously imported CSVs can be deleted or renamed by clicking the "Actions" (three dots) menu:

Orders Page View Options

Stops imported and saved to the Address Book can also be configured to display directly within the Orders Page. Enable/disable these Orders Page layout settings from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, by scrolling down to the Saved and imported stops card of the Orders page options section:

Depending which settings are enabled, new tabs and controls will appear on the upper right-hand corner of your Orders table, next to the Filter search bar.

  • By default, you'll land on the Orders tab first, containing all orders placed or created via Shopify. 
  • Shortcuts to Add a new saved stopImport a new CSV, or Refresh your Orders table are available using the three icons on the far upper right. 
  • Use the checkboxes to select any orders you'd like to route before clicking the Add orders to map button at the bottom of the page:

When the All saved and imported stops setting is enabled, your Orders table will contain an All stops tab.

  • Saved stops from the Address Book, stops imported via CSV files, and API-generated stops will be combined and can be filtered or selected from this tab.
  • Hover over the icon on the far left of any stop's entry to quickly identify the source for each listed entry:

Navigating to the Saved stops tab will provide quick access to any past stops you've created and saved in the Address Book. 

  • The Sort button on the far right can be used to fine-tune the order these stops will be listed in. 
  • Stops that have been favourited using the star icon can be set to appear at the top or bottom of the list as shown below; you can also enable/disable the star icon for individual entries directly from this table (immediately beside each stop's selection checkbox), updating which stops are favourited in the Address Book.
  • Use the checkboxes to select any saved stops you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page:

The Import history tab contains a list of all CSV spreadsheets imported into the Address Book in the past. Click the eye icon on any import to access a table of all stops contained in that import:

Use the checkboxes to select any orders/stops you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page. After adding orders to the map, click the back arrow + spreadsheet title (highlighted below) to return to the list of imported CSVs:


  • Orders can be selected from any/all of these tabs and included on the same route. After orders have been added to the map from one tab, you can navigate to another tab or imported CSV file and continue using the checkboxes and Add to map button to add orders as you go.
  • Orders that have already been added to the map will display with a green checkmark instead of a selection box, as #1049 and #1047 are shown below. Hover over this checkmark and click the new red minus icon to remove it from the map, as #1048 is shown below:

EasyRoutes for Web

All Address Book functionality for EasyRoutes for Web is built directly into the Orders Page. As soon as you import your first CSV file, new tabs and controls will appear on the upper right-hand corner of your Orders table, next to the Filter search bar.

  • By default, you'll land on the Orders tab first, containing individual order data for all your imported stops, saved stops, and API-generated stops.
  • Shortcuts to Add a new saved stopImport a new CSV, or Sort your orders are available using the three icons on the far upper right. 
  • Hover over the icon to the right of any stop's checkbox to quickly view the import source for that stop.
  • Use the checkboxes to select any orders you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page:

Navigating to the Saved stops tab will provide quick access to any past stops you've created and saved in the Address Book. 

  • The Sort button on the far right can be used to fine-tune the order these stops will be listed in. 
  • Stops that have been favourited using the star icon can be set to appear at the top or bottom of the list as shown below; you can also enable/disable the star icon for individual entries directly from this table (immediately beside each stop's selection checkbox), updating which stops are favourited in the Address Book.
  • Use the checkboxes to select any saved stops you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page:

The Import history tab contains a list of all CSV spreadsheets imported into the Address Book in the past. Click the eye icon on any import to access a table of all stops contained in that import:

Use the checkboxes to select any imported orders you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page. After adding orders to the map, click the back arrow + spreadsheet title (highlighted below) to return to the list of imported CSVs:


  • Orders can be selected from one, two, or all three of these new tabs and included on the same route. After orders have been added to the map from one tab, you can navigate to another tab or imported CSV file and continue using the checkboxes and Add to map button to add orders as you go.
  • Orders that have already been added to the map will display with a green checkmark instead of a selection box, as #1049 and #1047 are shown below. Hover over this checkmark and click the new red minus icon to remove it from the map, as #1048 is shown below:

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