How does Payment Status work? Can I see which orders need COD or payment collection?

On Shopify, the payment status for an order can have the following statuses

  • Authorized
  • Paid
  • Partially refunded
  • Partially paid
  • Pending
  • Refunded
  • Unpaid
  • Voided

Paid or partially paid: When a credit card payment has been captured, or a payment using an offline or custom payment method has been marked as received, then the payment status of the order is Paid. When you capture the payment for an order, you can specify how much of the full value of the order that you want to capture. If you capture less than the full amount of the order, then the order's payment status is Partially paid.

Pending: Orders that have a Pending status have not yet been paid.

Authorized: Depending on your checkout settings, payments are either captured manually or automatically. If your store is set up for manual capture, then new credit card payments have a status of Authorized.

Refunded, partially refunded or voided: When you cancel an order, the payment status changes to either Refunded or Voided. For an order where the payment hasn't yet been captured, the payment status is listed as Voided. For orders with captured payments, the payment is Refunded. If you partially refund an order with a captured payment, then the status is Partially refunded.

To view payment statuses on the Orders page, ensure that the Price Column checkbox is enabled in your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Orders page options section:

To view payment statuses on the Routes page, ensure that the Price Column checkbox is enabled in your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Route page options section:

To provide drivers access to view payment statuses for individual stops within the Delivery Driver mobile app, ensure that the Route page options checkbox (above) is enabled; also ensure the Hide price for orders checkbox is NOT enabled in your EasyRoutes Settings > Driver settings tab, within the Driver app settings section:

Learn more about how to use driver notes or tasks for collecting COD here.

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