Route Views

Similar to how Saved Views function on the EasyRoutes Orders page, Route Views allow users to apply any combination of filters and pinpoint specific routes, then save these filter combinations to quickly reference at any point in the future.

For example, a Route View can be created containing just unstarted routes; two separate Route Views can be created to display routes with a scheduled start date of today and tomorrow for easy access to routes that may require more immediate attention on a rolling basis; Route Views could also be created to organize routes by which driver they're assigned to.

Click either link below for further details specific to the EasyRoutes product you're using:

EasyRoutes for Shopify

From the EasyRoutes Routes page, click the Add filter button found above your list of routes. Select any desired filters to narrow down which orders will be displayed. Optionally, remove the Updated last 30 days filter if your Saved View should contain older routes:

Click the Create view button highlighted below, and input a name for your new Route View:

The new Route View will be added as a tab above your route filter controls:

Clicking into each Route View will update the analytics panel at the top of the page, allowing users to break down key route data based on the filters applied.

Existing Route Views can be renamed, duplicated, or deleted by clicking on the dropdown menu on any Route View's tab:

EasyRoutes for Web

From the EasyRoutes Routes page, click the Add filter button found above your list of routes. Select any desired filters to narrow down which routes will be displayed. Optionally, remove the Updated last 30 days filter if your Saved View should contain older routes:

Click the Create view button highlighted below, and input a name for your new Route View:

The new Route View will be added as a tab above your route filter controls:

Clicking into each Route View will update the analytics panel at the top of the page, allowing users to break down key route data based on the filters applied.

Existing Route Views can be renamed, duplicated, or deleted by clicking on the dropdown menu on any Route View's tab:

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