🚗 How many routes?

EasyRoutes' "How many routes?" Route Option provides flexibility for splitting orders between multiple routes, planning the minimum number of routes possible to complete all deliveries, or planning routes that will be auto-assigned to one or more of your active drivers.

This Route Option is enabled at all times, and will default to creating a single, unassigned route until configured further:

Multiple Routes - Unassigned Drivers:

To generate more than one route at a time without having to assign or dispatch them, use the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the number of routes to create (up to 25 at once). By default, routes created at the same time will have the same Route Options, which can be configured below. Multiple routes will be created as a Route Group which can be viewed and tracked simultaneously from the same page.

Optional: From the "Route settings" section, select the "Customize settings for individual routes" setting to enable individual Route Options tabs for each route below:

Click Save after making any necessary changes to return to the Orders page and begin adding orders to your new routes.

Multiple Routes - Minimize Drivers:

Selecting "Create the minimal number of routes needed to deliver" will generate the minimum number of routes possible, while still taking into account any duration, stop count, item count, or weight limits applied via other Route Options. Ensure at least one of Max route durationMax stops per route, and/or Max items per route is enabled in order to properly calculate any limits of a planned route. All routes planned using this feature will share any other enabled Route Options.

Click Save after making any necessary changes to return to the Orders page and begin adding orders to your new routes.

Multiple Routes - Auto-Assign:

Selecting "When generating routes, auto-assign them to these drivers" will generate one route for each driver selected via the checkboxes below; once created, these routes will be auto-assigned to the drivers selected. By default, routes created at the same time will have the same Route Options, which can be configured below.

Optional: From the "Route settings" section, select the "Customize settings for individual routes" setting to enable individual Route Options tabs for each route/driver below:

Click Save after making any necessary changes to return to the Orders page and begin adding orders to your new routes.

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