Where can I see the total mileage of a route?

All routes generated by EasyRoutes - whether Unstarted, Started, or Completed - contain the total driving distance for that route, as well as the distance between the Start location, each of the stops on a route, and the End location. Certain Route Options may impact total driving distance when enabled - these impacts will be included in total driving distance calculations whenever they're applied:

  • Avoid U-turns: May increase total driving distance, depending on route length and local geography & road restrictions.
  • Avoid tolls: May increase total driving distance, depending on route length and availability of toll roads in the local area.
  • Start/End Locations: If your End location is set to "Loop back to start", total driving distance will increase by the distance required to navigate from a route's final stop back to the starting point.

Click either link below for further details specific to the EasyRoutes product you're using:

EasyRoutes for Shopify

Individual Route Pages:

Total driving distance for a route is displayed below the list of stops alongside Total drive time:

Driving distances can also be exported to the clipboard or a CSV file:

  1. While viewing a route or route group, click the "Additional actions" (three dots icon) button below the map and select Export route:

  2. Ensure "Distance" is checked (along with any other desired variables).

    If your Route Options > End Location is set to "Loop back to start", ensure "End location" is also selected under "Export these additional rows" to include the driving distance between a route's last stop and the End location:

  3. Click "Download as CSV" to export as a comma-separated spreadsheet file, or "Copy to clipboard" for pasting into your document of choice.

See the How do I export routes/stops? support article for more information on exporting routes.

Routes Page:

Total driving distances for all planned routes are listed under the "Total distance" column on the Routes page:

Driving distances for one or multiple routes can also be exported to the clipboard or a CSV file:

  1. While viewing your list of routes, click the checkbox next to any route(s) you would like to export
  2. In the action menu that pops up below the route list, click on "Export selected"

  1. Select Stop data from the "Export the following information from selected routes" section.
  2. Ensure "Distance" is checked (along with any other desired variables).

    If your Route Options > End Location is set to "Loop back to start", ensure "End location" is also selected under "Export these additional rows" to include the driving distance between a route's last stop and the End location:

  3. Click "Download as CSV" to export as a comma-separated spreadsheet file, or "Copy to clipboard" for pasting into your document of choice.

See the How do I export routes/stops? support article for more information on exporting routes.

Driver Stop Notes:

You can ask your drivers to capture precise odometer readings when starting and finishing their route, then enter those readings as a driver note on their first stop and last stop. Mileage can then be precisely calculated by viewing the Notes listed under the "Proof" column once the route is completed.

EasyRoutes for Web

Individual Route Pages:

Total driving distance for a route is displayed below the list of stops alongside Total drive time:

Driving distances can also be exported to the clipboard or a CSV file:

  1. While viewing a route or route group, click the "Additional actions" (three dots icon) button below the map and select Export route:

  2. Ensure "Distance" is checked (along with any other desired variables).

    If your Route Options > End Location is set to "Loop back to start", ensure "End location" is also selected under "Export these additional rows" to include the driving distance between a route's last stop and the End location:

  3. Click "Download as CSV" to export as a comma-separated spreadsheet file, or "Copy to clipboard" for pasting into your document of choice.

See the How do I export routes/stops? support article for more information on exporting routes.

Routes Page:

Total driving distances for all planned routes are listed under the "Total distance" column on the Routes page:

Driving distances for one or multiple routes can also be exported to the clipboard or a CSV file:

  1. While viewing your list of routes, click the checkbox next to any route(s) you would like to export
  2. In the action menu that pops up below the route list, click on "Export selected"

  1. Select Stop data from the "Export the following information from selected routes" section.
  2. Ensure "Distance" is checked (along with any other desired variables).

    If your Route Options > End Location is set to "Loop back to start", ensure "End location" is also selected under "Export these additional rows" to include the driving distance between a route's last stop and the End location:

  3. Click "Download as CSV" to export as a comma-separated spreadsheet file, or "Copy to clipboard" for pasting into your document of choice.

See the How do I export routes/stops? support article for more information on exporting routes.

Driver Stop Notes:

You can ask your drivers to capture precise odometer readings when starting and finishing their route, then enter those readings as a driver note on their first stop and last stop. Mileage can then be precisely calculated by viewing the Notes listed under the "Proof" column once the route is completed.

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