How do I filter out orders that I don't want to see or use for planning?

Are there specific orders that you want to hide?

Click either link below for further details specific to the EasyRoutes product you're using:

EasyRoutes for Shopify

For example:

  1. You can filter out orders that have already been added onto a route (e.g. select "Not routed" to see only orders that have not been added to a route):

  1. You can filter out orders that do not match your delivery or shipping method (e.g. if you have pickup orders or orders that are shipped and not delivered locally):

  1. You can filter by fulfillment status (e.g. only see orders that are unfulfilled):

Once you've set up the filters that you want, you can save it for future use: Creating and Saving Views

EasyRoutes for Web

Are there specific orders that you want to hide? Use EasyRoutes for Web's filter tools on your Orders page to narrow down your search:

For example:

  • Use the Filter imported orders search box to search with terms contained within individual orders.
  • Click the Add filter button to filter orders by City, Province/State, Postal/ZIP code, Added status (i.e. whether an order has been added to the map yet) or Import File to specify which CSV file each order was imported from.

Once you've set up the filters that you want, you can save them for future use: Creating and Saving Views

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