I cannot find my order in EasyRoutes - troubleshooting steps

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EasyRoutes for Shopify

Do you have an order in your Shopify admin that isn't showing up on EasyRoutes? This is usually due to a combination of the filters you are using or your settings with the Orders page to "Show orders from the last: <x>" settings that may be causing the order to not get loaded.

Below we'll share some common troubleshooting steps to help you with finding your order.

1. Wait until orders are loaded.

EasyRoutes loads all orders asynchronously on launch and will display orders in batches when filtering. If the size of orders returned by the filters is large, it's possible that some orders are not being selected because they have not loaded yet. If you scroll to the bottom of the orders table after applying the Tag filter, do you see a loading spinner? If so, you may need to wait for the spinner at the bottom of the table to disappear. 

2. Check the order date to see if it's older than your "Show orders from the last: <x>" settings.

By default, EasyRoutes is displays orders from up to 60 days. You can change this in your Orders page settings to view orders that are older than the threshold.

Remedy: review/update your threshold in your settings and try again based on the instructions here: How do I see orders older than 60 days?
3. Check that your order has a shipping address, or remove the "Contains address" filter
By default, EasyRoutes filters out orders that do not have a shipping address. 
Remedy steps:
a. You can click on the "Contains address" filter to remove this filter to view an order without a shipping address
b. You can also update your order so that it has a shipping address
4. Check that your order has the expected filters (in the case that you have errors in your tags)
It's possible that you do not have the expected delivery method or tag associated with your order.
For example, if a tag was manually entered, it could be mis-spelled or have different spacing (e.g. 9-30-2002 vs 9/30/2002) -- you may be missing an order with tags or data that may contain manual mistakes. 

If you are missing an order, you can review the following steps.
Confirm that the tag filter (or the corresponding filter) is what is in the order. You can Attempt to retrieve the order by order number by doing the following:

1. Remove all filters in the Orders page

2. Type in the order number in the query text box.

3. Wait for this order to show up in EasyRoutes

4. Click on the order number to open this up.

This is the easiest way to confirm that an order is loaded in EasyRoutes. If the order is older than your threshold, please review the instructions from step #2 above.
If you are still running into issues with retrieving your order after following the steps above, please contact support for help with a screenshot of your order and the filters that you are using.

EasyRoutes for Web

Do you have an imported order that isn't showing up on EasyRoutes? This is usually due to a combination of the filters you are using or your settings with the Orders page to "Show orders from the last: <x>" settings that may be causing the order to not get loaded.

Below we'll share some common troubleshooting steps to help you with finding your order.

1. Wait until orders are loaded.

EasyRoutes loads all orders asynchronously on launch and will display orders in batches when filtering. If the size of orders returned by the filters is large, it's possible that some orders are not being selected because they have not loaded yet. If you scroll to the bottom of the orders table, do you see a loading spinner? If so, you may need to wait for the spinner at the bottom of the table to disappear. 

2. Check that your order has a shipping address, or remove the "Contains address" filter
By default, EasyRoutes filters out orders that do not have a shipping address. 
Remedy steps:
a. You can click on the "Contains address" filter to remove this filter to view an order without a shipping address
b. You can also update your order so that it has a shipping address
3. Check that your order has the expected filters (in the case that you have errors in your tags)
It's possible that you do not have the expected delivery method or tag associated with your order.
For example, if a tag was manually entered, it could be mis-spelled or have different spacing (e.g. 9-30-2002 vs 9/30/2002) -- you may be missing an order with tags or data that may contain manual mistakes. 

If you are missing an order, you can review the following steps.
Confirm that the tag filter (or the corresponding filter) is what is in the order. You can attempt to retrieve the order by order number by doing the following:

1. Remove all filters in the Orders page

2. Type in the order number in the query text box.

3. Wait for this order to show up in EasyRoutes

4. Click on the order number to open this up.

This is the easiest way to confirm that an order is loaded in EasyRoutes. If the order is older than your threshold, please review the instructions from step #2 above.
If you are still running into issues with retrieving your order after following the steps above, please contact support for help with a screenshot of your order and the filters that you are using.
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