Integrate EasyRoutes Webhooks with Zapier

Connect webhooks to Zapier to unlock seamless no-code workflows with your favorite apps and services, triggered by route updates in EasyRoutes.

Looking to use Zapier to connect with your order data? You can Import stops into EasyRoutes for planning with our Import Stop action on Zapier.

Step 1: Create a Zap Triggered by EasyRoutes Webhooks

Note that this guide assumes you have an account and basic familiarity with Zapier. A paid subscription or trial may be required to create integrations.

Sign into Zapier with your account and select + Create -> Zap from the left navigation menu to create a new "Zap" triggered by EasyRoutes webhook events.

Start by clicking on the Trigger button

Select the Webhooks By Zapier tool

For the Trigger event, select Catch Hook

Click Continue to move on to the Configure panel. Here you can choose to grab only a specific field from the webhook body, otherwise Zapier will pass on the entire payload to the connect action. Skip this screen for now to get the full webhook payload.

The Test panel will reveal the custom URL generated by Zapier for this Zap. Click on Copy so that we can use this URL to set up the webhook in EasyRoutes.

Step 2: Register a Webhook in EasyRoutes

In another tab, open EasyRoutes and head to Settings -> API Settings. Click on Register webhook.

Paste the webhook URL from Zapier into the URL field and select the topics you want to receive.

Step 3: Test Your Webhook

After you save you webhook configuration, you can send a test event to ensure it is set up correctly with Zapier.

In everything is set up correctly, you should be able to see the TEST event record back in Zapier on the test panel for the webhook trigger. You may have to click Find new records or refresh to see the event.

Once you have generated a real webhook event (i.e. by creating a route for ROUTE_CREATED), you can view that record in Zapier to see the full set of available fields.

From there, click Continue with selected record to make these body fields available for integrations.

Example: Populate a Spreadsheet with Route Events

Zapier allows you to select from numerous apps and tools to connect an action to the webhooks trigger. Here is an example that writes route events into a spreadsheet. Each row contains the webhook event ID, the route ID, the event timestamp, the route name, and the topic.

The fields on the Configure panel are based on the headers in the spreadsheet. You can select values based on the fields from the previously-selected webhook record above.

The result:

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