What phone number from the order does EasyRoutes use for custom SMS notifications?
EasyRoutes will attempt to use the first available phone number in a stop's Shopify Order in the following priority order for sending a custom SMS notification:
- If the order is a Shopify Local Delivery order, the mobile phone number entered into the local delivery checkout shipping method input field (e.g. with the default instruction text: "We may use this number to call or text you about your delivery.")
- The phone number as seen an order's Contact Information section:
- This is usually from when a customer provides their phone number instead of an email as the contact during checkout. This can be enabled in your checkout settings. (Settings > Checkout > "Select what contact method customers use to check out." > Phone number or email)
- Orders can also be edited to include a phone number in the "Contact information" section afterwards.
- The phone number in the order customer's profile (alongside their email address in their customer profile)
- The phone number in the order's shipping address, if available.
- The phone number in the order's billing address, if available.
As it appears on the Shopify Order page:
Phone selection mode:
- By default, Notifications will use the Automatic phone number selection mode to select a phone number in the order as described above.
- If you require more specific behavior you can select the "Only use shipping contact phone number" option in the SMS notifications -> Phone number selection mode section. This will make EasyRoutes only send SMS notifications to the phone number listed in the shipping address (#4 in the above example).
- If you require more specific behavior you can enable the "Only use billing contact phone number" option in the SMS notifications -> Phone number selection mode section. This will make EasyRoutes only send SMS notifications to the phone number listed in the billing address (#5 in the above example).
If no phone number was entered during checkout, no SMS notification will be sent. You can require customers to enter a shipping phone number during checkout in your Shopify checkout settings.