Show Items in List of Stops

Click either link below for further details specific to the EasyRoutes product you're using:

EasyRoutes for Shopify

By default EasyRoutes shows the number of items included in an order when creating a route:

However, in your Settings > General tab, from the Route page options section, Additional options panel, you can check a box to display the items inline in your stop list:

Click the Save button to apply your changes.

Now when you visit a Route Page you will see the items in the list:

EasyRoutes for Web

By default EasyRoutes shows the number of items included in an order when creating a route:

However, in your Settings > General tab, from the Route page options section, Additional options panel, you can check a box to display the items inline in your stop list:

Click the Save button to apply your changes.

Now when you visit a Route Page you will see the items in the list:

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