How do I uninstall EasyRoutes and cancel my subscription?

Click either link below for further details specific to the EasyRoutes product you're using:

EasyRoutes for Shopify

All you have to do is uninstall EasyRoutes like any other Shopify app:

  1. Starting from your Shopify admin dashboard, click on your Settings page.
  2. Click the Apps and sales channels section:

  1. Locate the app you'd like to uninstall (in this case, EasyRoutes Local Delivery), and click the Uninstall button next to it.
  2. Click Delete on the popup.

Note: Uninstallation also will automatically cancel any active subscription plan you have with EasyRoutes. 

Is there any code to uninstall?

EasyRoutes does not inject code into your theme or into your liquid files, and we don’t interface with your theme, just your orders.

If you have edited your email notification template(s) to include Photo Proof of Delivery photos, note that this code will also have to be removed manually to complete the uninstallation.

EasyRoutes for Web

  1. Access your EasyRoutes Settings from the bottom of the navigation menu on the left-hand side of EasyRoutes:

  2. From the Help tab, within the Current plan section, click Manage subscription and billing:

  3. Click the Cancel plan button listed under your current plan's details:

  4. Follow the prompts to cancel your existing subscription.
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